This is my first diary here at DailyKos....well, let me clarify that: I did a couple of diaries anonymously some time ago, but this is my first as, well, me.
I'm a writer of fantasy sword and sorcery books - action adventure, but with a clear sense of idealism, of right and wrong. It's no accident that my love of such ideals extends to my interest in politics, particularly in these Sauron-infested times. Since I work at home, I, unlike so many Americans, have the time to sit back and pay attention.
It hurts. Everything I grew up believing about my beloved America seems so distant now, as we torture people with impunity.
This awareness and near-despair leads me to consider this the most important election of my lifetime. The issues couldn't be clearer to me, and the idea that the American people will make the wrong choice this time seems...well, given my astonishment in 2004, frightening.
So there's the preamble. I have something I want to share, something I just have to scream, over the jump.