I support Obama, the man, not the messiah
This is my first diary here at DailyKos....well, let me clarify that: I did a couple of diaries anonymously some time ago, but this is my first as, well, me.I'm a writer of fantasy sword and sorcery...
View ArticleFranklin Roosevelt owes me an apology
So does John Kennedy (many, in fact). So does Martin Luther King. So does Bill Clinton. So does Richard Nixon. So does George H.W. Bush.
View ArticleI just did it
I've been supporting Barack Obama for a long time - didn't start out with him, but he won me over with his calm, cool and class.I expect him to be one of the greatest Presidents of my lifetime. I...
View ArticleAnother Tweetie Epic Fail
Short...typing on the fly...Watching Hardball right now. Matthews has a couple of teapartiers on. The first guy just rambled about their size, using absurd numbers, including "that's why 2,000,000...
View ArticleNOT BREAKING: Chomsky holding anti-Bush rallies at West Point!
Seriously...actually happened...well, he didn't hold an anti-Bush rally, per se, but he was invited there to speak, and he did go on and on about the concept of "just war," which would seem a pretty...
View ArticleGoing Sullivan – from the other direction
For years, Andrew Sullivan has been my favorite blogger. I’ve always thought him intelligent, even when...umm, wrong, but even in his earliest days (I just saw a Book TV interview with him as a very...
View ArticleDo-Nothing Dems Strike Again
"They're all the same!""They've sold us out again!"No they're not. No they haven't.
View ArticleCoakley...something you should know
So I got to see Bill Clinton last night at WPI in Worcester. He was exhausted (Haiti work) but it took me about 5 minutes in the room with him to understand how he became President.he was followed by...
View ArticleMy Brithday Hangover
So last year, for my 50th birthday, my best present was watching Barack Obama become President of the United States.Heady times.Now, 51, not so much...I watched this election first-hand with a...
View ArticleBREAKING: Eliot Engel to vote YES (Updated)
On MSNBC just a minute ago, Rep. Eliot Engel of NY announced he would vote yes on HCR.Not much to say here...but his reasons for hesitating were valid and were pointed out to me in a comment exchange...
View ArticleI'm Clapping Louder - here's why...(Updated)
Demoralized? Don't want to hear about it.Sure, the economy sucks and things are tough...the numbers are bleak...the Empire Star Destroyer is coming into range...When all else fails, send in the...
View ArticleA Message to Cenk Uygur
I don't believe you. I've watched you for years and I've never believed you. You want the same 5 million+/year deals you see the other purveyors of outrage making. You're a one-note pony. You deal...
View ArticleIs Cenk Uygur Stupid?
Got up this morning and asked myself, "So, really, is it worth the time to continue the meta pie fights?"It's actually an important fight, maybe the most important one of all when we're trying to...
View ArticleYou're falling for it again
The list is full of "So-and-so NAILS it!" or "So-and-so DESTROYS Obama!" and on and on.You're falling for it again.It's a meaningless dance."Pelosi says No DEAL!"Wanna bet?President Obama said WE could...
View ArticleSo I made a little statement on my Facebook Page
"I stand with the protesters in Wisconsin."http://www.facebook.com/...And started a firestorm...
View ArticleSCREAM!
This is a trial balloon...we're near a deal.Well, the deal is awful for anyone who believes in progressive politics.Those who know me here know that I am a staunch defender of the President. I think...
View ArticlePresident Obama saving Medicare
Yeah, I thought I'd inject a little quiet and unspoken (amazingly so!) reality into our current "debates."There are important stories and FACTS slipping past the conventional wisdom, or at least, the...
View ArticleFor the Joe Walshes of the world
Don't they just make your blood boil? If you saw the rec'd diary about Walsh's tantrum, you know what I mean.Anyway, come with me over the fold to gather some succinct and to-the-point rebuttals...
View Article"Obamacare" goes boom!
Yes, I can call it that now. President Obama embraced the name today - good for him.(Edit: after writing this, I realized that the most excellent "citizen K" had already done a diary of it, kind of,...
View ArticlePPACA: A Game Company Could Fix This
I've got some doc friends who really hate the electronic file provisions in PPACA, and their complaints range from a simple aversion to something so new, to the prohibitive costs of this software, to...
View ArticleObama winning?
Anyone who doubts that President Obama has a solid lead, should simply watch This Week this morning.The media desperately wants a close election, don't you think?Well, if you had any doubts about...
View ArticleA quick note about Romneycare/ACA
Many of you have heard about the fall of 38 Studios, a company with which I was quite involved for the last few years, working as a consultant (COW - Creator of Worlds...Moo).Well, with the sudden...
View ArticleMedical Loss Rebate (MLR)
Okay, I am not kidding here - I just got a letter from the Chamber of Commerce (my local one, not the one that's always in the news), from whom I purchase my Tufts health insurance, as a small...
View ArticlePlease Read - Warren v. Brown
Here comes the kitchen sink. Republicans are freaking out. They know they've lost the White House again, so all that money will come pouring down on close Senate/House races...Elizabeth Warren is...
View ArticleNate at 538...WHOA!
Just clicking through and saw Nate putting Obama at 80.8 now with 303.2 EV's.Florida is down to 55.2 for Romney (bet it goes lower as some of the stronger, older polls drop off) and Virginia is up to...
View ArticleMy closing argument
(for what it's worth)I believe that I've swung at least a dozen people this election cycle, at least from what they've told me. More importantly, there are at least two people who seem to have awakened...
View ArticleThe Great Shrinking GOP
We've seen all the stories about how the GOP must change, or what they must or must not say, and all the rest, but the truth is, the Republican Party has a bigger problem on its hands than a damaged...
View ArticleBeautiful Boston
I put this up on my Facebook page, so I thought I'd share it here. I know this area of Boston quite well - I'm there 50 times a year. You can't help but feel like you're a part of something bigger when...
View ArticleMy Hair Won't Ignite...
To be perfectly honest, for the most part, I feel a general blase about the NSA "revelations." I know that as a good liberal, I'm supposed to be up in arms about this intrusive Big Brother...
View ArticleNefarious letters about PPACA
Okay, I keep seeing people posting on Facebook and message boards and comments' sections of news stories, claiming that that they got a letter from their insurance company saying they're getting hosed...
View Article3.8%
I never see this discussed on the news, the pundit shows, or anywhere else.Want to know the dirty little secret about why the wealthy hate Obamacare?3.8%We hear the right-wing screaming all the time...
View ArticleCan we have an honest discussion
about insurance premiums, pre and post-ACA?I'm very interested in this and am trying to learn more about it.My pre-ACA premiums for a silver plan equivalent here in Massachusetts for myself and my wife...
View ArticleScreaming at Chris Hayes! (Updated with Link)
I haven't watched MSNBC in a while...or any political TV, for that matter.I just got to the point where so many things had become so obvious - we're talking a mountain of evidence here and not a...
View ArticleThe (Al) Gorification of Neil deGrasse Tyson
I've seen this play before. It doesn't end well.The people over at The Federalist are on a mission from Go...err, Koch. They are out to destroy Neil deGrasse Tyson.Why? Well, The Federalist is one of...
View ArticleSir Robin for Senate Minority Leader
Here's a short diary - probably doesn't even qualify as a diary.I don't care, I'm writing it anyway.Right after reading the liveblog covering President Obama's press conference today, where there was a...
View ArticleCan we have an honest discussion about ACA?
This diary - more of a question - was inspired by this comment:"The individual insurance market is still quite tiny. And in any given state, the number of people receiving subsidies is quite small...
View ArticleDear Erik Conway..."Merchants of Doubt"
So last night, I finally saw "Merchants of Doubt."Never mind the clarity and information presented regarding my "pet" subject, Anthropogenic Global Climate Change," (which is why I was so interested in...
View ArticleAnd while we PIE FIGHT
about the Bern vs. HRC, the PNAC crowd is pushing the country toward war.The commercials run every night, the links splatter the Facebook Pages of every conservative, as the Kristols and Senors and...
View ArticleI would have voted for the AUMF...
I guess I’m committing DailyKos/left-wing credential suicide here in admitting this, but it’s the truth: in October, 2002, had I been a US Senator, I would very likely have voted in favor of the AUMF....
View ArticleThe Long Knives of Trump
Umm, yeah...Bill Weld is a Republican...elected Governor of Massachusetts in 1990 (I voted for him) and again, by the largest margin ever, in 1994 (I voted for him again).He's a fiscal conservative and...
View ArticleMartin O'Malley just went there...Watergate
Short note here: on MSNBC Martin O’Malley just said the W word. I mean, this is a guy who’s now being supported by Russian hackers who have burglarized the DNC headquarters in ways that we haven’t...
View ArticleDWS and Ellison: We are part of the problem
Look, I’ll tell you this right up front: we’re up against professionals...professional manipulators.I was a communications/media major in college. I studied Marshall Mcluhan and discovered that his...
View ArticleThe Subliminal Mind F*** America
Just a quick story here: In “The Newsroom’s” opening, Jeff Daniels asks, “If liberals are so f***ing smart, how come they lose all the goddamned time?” Well, it’s pretty obvious. Just watched “This...
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